Category Archives: Programmes

Berlioz Poster

HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869)

Yet another giant! A composer never truly recognised in his native France who turned out to be one of the greatest innovators of his time. Few people perceive Berlioz as being a nearly 19th century composer, writing while Beethoven was still living. He burst the dam gates of romanticism with the Symphonie Fantastique. He built the programme symphony leading to the symphonic poem; he shook the world with the Grande Messedes Morts with its extra brass choirs; he turned Shakespeare into music with his dramatic symphony Romeo and Juliet; Goethe into concert drama with The Damnation of Faust and Virgil into opera with The Trojans, and much more.

Mondays from 10 am to 12 noon in the Recital Room

Blackheath Halls:

April 15, 22, 29 – May 13, 20

June 3, 10, 17, 24 – July 1

Course fee: £75

For further details contact:

Lionel Lewis on 020 8297 1075

e mail: [email protected]